Bring us your concept, interior décor colors, fabric swatches, room photos and space measurements and discuss your ideas with a designer. We want to create a special long lasting, easy care works of art! We select and use the best quality replica flowers, succulents and dried natural elements in our arrangements. We design natural wall art and arrangements to enhance your dining table, entry way, media center, bedroom, study and all those special places that you want to add unique accent decor. We blend nature's elements with quality replicas.
Every greenery and plant arrangement is uniquely crafted to look natural and real in your home. Our silk replicas are good quality, beautiful looking and long lasting that don't require any watering. Great for snowbirds! We would love to create special nature decor accents that give you and your environment years of enjoyment! It's definitely worth the visit to explore our studio and meet with us to discuss your plans! Conserve water ... easy care! No green thumbs required!!
Each tree is uniquely crafted to look natural. We use a variety of different woods: Manzanita, Dragonwood, Curly Willow, Birch, Maple, Yucca, Palm, Cholla, Saguaro, plus others. We design, build & deliver then set up each tree in place at your home or business with the your choice of final touches; natural moss, stones, bark or rocks. We offer many container/ pot styles, shapes and over 30 + custom colors to match your decor. Come visit and see first hand, feel the difference in textures and trust in our passion for quality designs and service.